2011 in Review: Books
I think it's safe to say that 2011 wasn't a banner reading year for Debra. I'm not sure why but I hope that I can read more in 2012 as I have a list of books I want to read. I did read the following books, which really stood out as the best in my mind: The Help by Kathryn Stockett Who didn't read and love "The Help"? If you didn't, you are missing out.    by Holly Chamberlin "The Summer of Us" was a quick, beachy-type read. Entertaining for sure & my first book of Holly Chamberlin's. She has others that I will put on my 2012 list. One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp "One Thousand Gifts" was another book I think most of us read. While I enjoyed the book I have to admit it took me a while to get through it - I found her writing style a bit difficult for me but there are post-it notes and highlights throughout the book reminding me of some of the phrases I really liked or paragraphs I want to look back on. I th...