We are actually expecting what is being called a 'winter storm'. How is it a winter storm on April 1st? It was 90 yesterday and tomorrow we are expecting to be in the 60's. Maybe even some rain.
Speaking of April 1st... that means April fool's day. Let's just say I could live without 'celebrating' this day. I don't find most of the jokes funny at all. That's just me - some say I am boring. Maybe so, but please don't play any jokes on me.
It's a busy, busy week. Lots of church activities leading up to Easter. We could move in this week there is so much going on but with school, other activities, and just plain life we need to pick and choose. So we'll be up there Friday and Sunday for sure. I love the sunrise service we have. It's indoors but as the sunlight starts to stream in the stained glass it's just beautiful.
LM has an art show at school tomorrow. The kids make special pictures during art class and they are framed for us to purchase (it's a fundraiser, of course). Her picture last year was cute so I am sure this one will be too. Luckily, it starts right after school so we can swing by then and not have to make the (5 minute) trek back later.
On top of all that is going on, my husband's secretary is out for a week (doctor's orders but I am not sure why) which means I have been helping out. And the computer died yesterday. Since they had to replace the computer today I did have the day off! But things pile up and there will be lots to do tomorrow. Although there already would have been since it is the beginning of a new month. Glad they are busy though.
My husband is a snorer. BIG TIME. You can probably hear him at your house. It's gotten really bad in the past few months. Scary bad. We think it's sleep apnea. But he is doing a sleep study - where he stays over night and is monitored. Hopefully it will yield big results and the doctor can give him something to help him. Although insurance 'covers' it we have a huge deductible so most of it will be out of pocket (goodbye summer vacation!) We've never had our deductible covered this early in the year before (thankfully). I told the hubby if he could wait a while Obamacare would cover the test. HA But he really can't wait much longer. Like I said, it's bad.
And I am still waiting for my new housekeeper to arrive. In the meantime, it's my job.
With all this going on (and more, but I'll spare you) one thing keeps going through my head: 'thank goodness Wal-mart has cheap wine'...