The Doors...

When we moved into our house all the interior doors were dark wood. Not my cup of tea and I always wanted to have white doors and white trim. Knowing it would either be expensive to hire someone to do it or super time consuming for me, I put it on the back burner. I got a quote from a door company $175 per door installed. Using hubby as the door guy? $59 per door installed. Well, eleven years later we have white doors and trim. Here's a before - it's actually a 'still' because it's the one door we didn't change - the closet door in the office - it's an odd, special order size and we just haven't gotten to it. But it's a good thing since it means I have a 'before' for this post! I despised these handles on these doors too and was on a mission to find something I liked that wasn't too expensive.

Last summer we bought one door at Lowes and the hubby installed it - one door to make sure we liked it and that he was up to the task of installation. It went well and off we went to California for a mini-break. My hubby came home while LM and I did what she calls 'the family road haul' -from San Francisco to Salt Lake City. While we were gone the hubby got new doors and installed them all. Here's one before it was painted and before the trim and walls were painted. Looks better already!

This finished product. So much better.

Remember the handles I despised? Well after not finding handles that I liked and wanted to pay for I thought 'why don't we just put the old handles back on until I find something?' Well, with that I FOUND SOMETHING. The same old, ugly handles now looked cool and kind of retro on the white doors. Who knew??

Painting the trim and doors was time consuming but so worth it. We still have wood trim inside all of the rooms and I am sure I'll get to that sometime...

Joining Show and Share Day @ Just a Girl, Transformations & Treasures @ The Pink Postcard, Metamorphisis Monday @ Between Naps on the Porch, Tuesday's Treasures @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia, DIY by Design's Swing into Spring party, Show & Tell @ Blue Cricket Design, Transformation Thursday @ The Shabby Chic Cottage & Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays @ Coastal Charm.


Jillian K. said…
Sounds like a lot of work, but it looks awesome!
Lynn said…
New doors is on my "to do" list. I've got the original plain wood doors from 1952 and very ugly knobs. Your new doors are lovely and I like the original levers/knobs. They sell something very similar at Home Depot in Antique Brass. Very thrifty to have kept them. Thanks for the inspiration!
Rachel said…
Hi, I linked up after you at the 'Swing Into Spring' party so I thought I'd come over and say "Hi". Your doors are quite an improvement! I can imagine you are relieved to have them done. ~Rachel @ The Olde Farmhouse on Windmill Hill
Unknown said…
I would love to do this in my own home. Kudos to hubby for tackling it himself! Well done!
Noble Vintage said…
that is a great makeover! Love what paint can do :) And yes, the handles do look amazingly better with the white paint. I bet you're happy it all came together under one project! thanks for sharing this at Transformations and Treasures!
foreverdecorating said…
My friend wants to do this in her house. It makes a 70's ranch, look modern and up to date. Great job to your hubby.

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