You say you want a Revolution....

I hope everyone has been watching season 2 of Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution. It is eye opening to say the least.

Here he is filling a school bus with the amount of sugar kids consume each year - just in chocolate milk. If that doesn't do it watch last week's episode on what gets done to the 'extra' meat from your average cow.

This year's show has been focusing on school lunches, namely in the Los Angeles Unified School District. He has been banned from these schools by the school board. But he knows (as we all do) that these school lunches are not the quality food that we should be feeding our children. LAUSD isn't probably that different from the food in your kids' schools.

What's a mom to do? First of all, try to go to lunch with your kids and see what is being served for lunch. Even if you send lunch with your kids it's still worth looking at. Kids trade food at lunch. Some kids only get a hot meal at school. These are the kids that really concern me. They eat this junk @ school and I'll bet that when they get home they're not eating a good, healthy meal either.

I have long been a proponent of healthy eating, especially for our kids. But I really had no idea how bad things were until LM started kindergarten. I know what we do here at home but once we got out and about and observed school lunches (even those brought from home) I started to wonder if we were the only family eating the way we do (generally healthy, whole foods & special treats). Then Jamie Oliver appeared and I realized there were lots of others out there (600,000 + have signed Jamie's petition). There are lots of blogs out there dealing with healthy food. If you are one of those bloggers, or know one, leave a link in the comments.

Back to schools, we periodically get surveys sent home from our 'kitchen' manager. I use the term kitchen loosely as nothing is actually COOKED in the 'kitchen'. I sent back a 2 page response early in the school year and I am happy to say a couple of the things I mentioned were addressed. Also, one was 'un-addressed'.

I would like to start my own revolution series here on Wednesdays. I would love to be able to share the links to your healthy eating blogs/websites so please email me or leave the info in the comment section. Next week I'd like to deal a bit more with school lunches - those we pack and those we buy as well as share any success stories you have to share about your kids' school cafeterias. What are you packing in your kids' lunches that is healthy & get happily eaten?

And don't forget to tune into Jamie's Food Revolution on Tuesday 8/7C on ABC. Watch it with your kids. You won't be disappointed.


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