Doing my part ...
to stimulate the economy. We headed out to the mall yesterday. Snagged some bargains. Cleared out the stockroom at Dillards. Stimulated the economy.
First, here is part of my husband's haul. He loves Polo. Polo loves him. It fits, he likes it. It's a win-win. And the Polo department is right at the door we always use when we go to the mall. (I am a creature of habit. I always use the same door when I go shopping anywhere. I find a place I like and that's it. Please don't try to confuse me and make me use another door. I usually try to get the same parking spot, too. Or within the same area. I am sure this is some kind of illness. And I am sure there are meds out there for it.) If he ever wears the shorts and orange T together I won't lose him. Oh, the best part: each item = $8.99. I felt guilty.
A glimpse at what Little Miss came home with. I am seeing the skirt with a pink top or turtleneck, jean jacket and her pink Uggs. That's the nice thing about living here: A jean jacket is often all the coat we need in the winter (but remember, we are paying for it now - it was 114 today.) The pink top w/ scarf will be cute with her brown leggings in the fall, brown skirt now. She also got this awful looking 2 piece outfit. It had pink tye dyed leggings with a pink sleeveless top with a brown butterfly and lace on the straps. It is even worse than it sounds. She loved it. It was $8. I pick my battles. I told LM that the sales clerk said all the girls were wearing this outfit as pajamas. She is sleeping in it tonight. (The clerk did say she thought they looked like pj's - good enough for me.)
I am starting Jazzercise again on Monday. I needed an outfit for that as my old things don't fit. Which is shy I am starting Jazzercise again. A vicious circle. The pants are knee length an look pretty cute. Great for Jazzercise and not too bad if I need to run errands afterward. Again, quite the bargain - $30 for everything you see.
While we were looking in the kids department, my husband & LM kept looking at all the fall stuff. Stuff she won't be able to wear for months. I was finally able to steer them to the sale section. When we got over there a little girl who looked to be a bit older than LM said to her mom "where are the clearance racks?" She has her well trained. I am working on it...