There was the fridge, dishwasher, reverse osmosis situation which made my kitchen a mess as I had tools and flashlights all over the place. Not to mention everything under the kitchen sink was out so people could get to the pipes and stuff. Well, that is all taken care of now and I was finally able to clean up in the kitchen. The one surface that stayed clear during this? The dining room table. No matter what is going on I make sure that surface is clear. It was a blessing during this time so we could eat and do homework there without any worries.
I haven't been home much. We have been out of town alot. I have been working and at school alot. I have been running alot of errands. I long to have a day to stay home and really enjoy making my house a home. I think I am looking far into the future for that. Or maybe not. Let's hope not. In the meantime I get the laundry, dusting and vacuuming done bit by bit. It's getting done.
What would I like to do today?
- Change sheets. I have one set in the wash now. One more to go!
- Wash my shower curtain and duvet cover. Hopefully they can go in after the sheets
- Wash my husbands hockey clothes. Actually, they should go in before the shower curtain and duvet cover since they are kind of (a total understatement) stinky.
- Empty the dishwasher. The new, quiet dishwasher. I love it.
- Clean bathrooms.
Quite lofty goals considering I am off to run some errands and help my husband at work in a few minutes. Once LM gets home, has a snack and starts homework I can pick up where I am leaving off.
What do you do to make your home a haven?