No Spend Recap...
We are just about to the end of our no spend month. Honestly, this is the worst year since we started this four years ago. We still spent much less than normal but it didn't exactly turn out the way I had planned. We ate out of the pantry alot (again, not as much as I wanted). We ended up spending about $140 on groceries vs. the $240-$250 we usually spend each month. So I was happy with that savings. Our pantry is still fairly full so I plan to continue to try to use up some things during the month of March. We didn't shop much. I went to Walmart once at the end of January to buy things I knew we'd need. And I did buy a much needed lamp at Target for LM's room ($16). LM also needed some shorts (for hockey/PE) which I was able to get at Sports Authority on sale. So I feel pretty good about not shopping for shopping's sake. There were, sadly, no trips to Hobby Lobby or Michaels. But then, I don't really need anythi...