February Meal Plan...
After much trial and error, I have discovered that doing a monthly meal plan works best for me . I only have to sit down once to create a meal plan - not four or five times. I have an idea of what we're doing the entire month which works out perfect for a busy schedule. I can shop ahead - if I plan on making chicken alfredo, chicken enchiladas & grilled chicken in a month I can look for larger packs of chicken, which are often less per pound than smaller packs. I like to shop every two weeks and knowing what my plans for the month are help me stock up when things are on sale. I use a calendar for my meal plan - I like to be able to see each day on the calendar and I enter what we are having for dinner as well as any activities going on that day. And I always write in pencil because I usually end up changing at least a couple of days during the month. Here's what my February looks like: Cheesy chicken vermicelli & steamed broccoli ...