No Spend Month...
I can't believe that January is almost over! And that means that February is almost here and our annual No Spend February. It's our eighth year. I can't believe we've been doing it that long. I personally love it. Coming off the spending frenzy of the end of the year, it's a nice change for me. I am, quite frankly, done shopping. We have no birthdays, anniversaries, etc until June so I like the 'cold turkey' aspect of a no spend month. What, exactly, does 'no spend' mean @ September Acres? - No shopping -that means we won't roam the aisles of Target buying stuff we don't need & sometimes don't even want. No trips to Costco. Grocery shopping is okay but limited as we will try eating from the pantry this month. - No vacations - Easy Peasy as school is in. - No going out to eat - If we are invited to go out as a treat we will go but otherwise we don't. I've also been really slack with meal planning since Christmas so...