Why I Don't Keep a Journal...

I've never been one to keep a journal or diary (as we called it back in the 70's). I had a diary in grade school but wrote in it only sporadically. It was one of those cute little ones with a lock and key that were so popular back in the day. I had some riveting entries like this one: Today I went to school. I came home from school and Debbie came over after school. I watched the Brady Bunch and The Partridge Family at night. And this one: Today I went to school. Dianna was sick today and didn't come to school. Riveting. Am I right? Good thing my diary wasn't put in a time capsule lest future generations think kids in the 70's were super boring. Since that first little diary I've tried to journal (the new millennium terminology) every now and then with similar luck. Even I get bored with what I've written. Over the years I've tried to figure out why I didn't enjoy this process. In ...