January 19...

Well, alot of you woke up to this type of weather this morning.  Not me.  Of course here in Arizona a snow day is a thing of dreams.  Hope everyone who got it is enjoying their winter wonderland.

Today actually has me thinking 'where the heck did January go?'  It's more than half over and the month has been a whirlwind.  I called in the payroll the other day and the lady at the payroll company said  "2nd and last payroll for January".  Um, no, that can't be.  But sure enough she was right!

I hope to be back soon with something a bit more exciting than this.  LM had her birthday party last weekend so there are cute cake photos to share.  Lots of projects I want to do, of course. There's all that organized home stuff I want to share.  Right now it's all I can do to keep the kitchen & bathrooms clean, beds made and clothes clean.  I often wonder how three people can generate so many clothes.

So, there you go.  Have a great Thursday.  Enjoy the snow and keep warm!


I so agree with ya...only one more week to go for January and I still have a ton of January rojects to get done...wish me luck:)


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