Year-End Re-cap...

Well, it's been a while.  We made it through Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas with lots of fun memories.  The 31 Day Challenge took it out of me, I must admit.  Challenging it was for sure.  Lots of debate in my head was going on about continuing to blog or not but I decided I don't really need to make a decision, I can just do it when the mood hits.  So here I am with my year-end re-cap.  I have a love/hate relationship with these re-caps - I love the idea of looking back on the year - seeing what was popular with readers, what was a dud, looking at the pictures I took, getting re-inspired, etc.  But I hate them because I think they're kind of a lazy way to create a new post. So, here goes, some of my most popular posts of 2013:

  1. The first day of any 31 Day Challenge is always a biggie and this year was no exception. The overview of 31 Days of Making your House your Home can be found here.  This is where all the other 31 Days posts can be accessed.
  2. My Front Door Update - I painted our front door gray.  I love the color but actually am not too thrilled with how it looks with the creamy paint color of the rest of the house.  So it looks like there is another painting project in my future....
  3. One of my favorite recipes, Pineapple Casserole, is always a hit.  You should try it.
  4. I posted about my favorite money books back in March.  It's that time of year when we're making resolutions and money resolutions of some sort are very popular.  I can also add Larry Winget's You're Broke Because You Want to Be to my list.
  5. Sticking with the subject of money, I will again be doing the 52 Week Money Challenge and I hope I am more successful than last year...
  6. The end of 2012 brought us a Little Adventure which I posted about in early January 2013.
And, just for fun, this is the least viewed post of the year: Day 25 of the Making your House your Home series - all about the family calendar.  I am always interested in how other moms keep things running smoothly so I thought it would be a popular subject.  Who knew?

If you didn't get enough re-capping here you can check out what was popular in 2012.  It's like a trip down memory lane...


The Mrs. said…
Love your recap because I needed to pin a bunch of this stuff on pinterest!!!

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