Movie night??
I just heard that "27 Dresses"comes out today. If you haven't seen it - it is so fun. Definitely a 'chick flick' and if you have been a bridesmaid even once you will find much humor in it. We have so many movies already so I know we don't need one more but this one is sooo cute. I should probably just catch it on pay per view. I am one of those people that will watch movies I love over and over again so if I DID buy it I am sure I would watch it many times. Oh, let me try to talk myself into it. :) Another reason I love this movie is that Edward Burns has a part in it. I love that man. (My husband already knows). He has such a cool voice,too. Isn't he just yummy?? This morning while I was taking my walk I looked up and saw 5 coyotes crossing my path. Yikes! I was a little scared even though I know they won't come after me if I don't provoke them. Luckily I didn't have my dog with me or we both might have been breakfast. It was creepy ...