
Showing posts from April, 2008

Movie night??

I just heard that "27 Dresses"comes out today. If you haven't seen it - it is so fun. Definitely a 'chick flick' and if you have been a bridesmaid even once you will find much humor in it. We have so many movies already so I know we don't need one more but this one is sooo cute. I should probably just catch it on pay per view. I am one of those people that will watch movies I love over and over again so if I DID buy it I am sure I would watch it many times. Oh, let me try to talk myself into it. :) Another reason I love this movie is that Edward Burns has a part in it. I love that man. (My husband already knows). He has such a cool voice,too. Isn't he just yummy?? This morning while I was taking my walk I looked up and saw 5 coyotes crossing my path. Yikes! I was a little scared even though I know they won't come after me if I don't provoke them. Luckily I didn't have my dog with me or we both might have been breakfast. It was creepy ...

Back home..

for now. We will likely be headed to my grandmother's on Friday if not sooner. She is 91 and not doing well. She has some type of bacterial infection which has not been responding to meds. At least I think that's the deal. We have talked to so many people this weekend & gotten so many stories that it's not totally clear as to what is going on but the bottom line is that she is not doing well, in pain, not eating, not sleeping, and she is 91 (92 in Aug). My grandfather called this morning and said that although this may go on for a long time he thought it would be a good idea to come up within the next week or so. We are currently trying to figure exactly when to go. We did have a fun weekend in Las Vegas. My husband was there for a race so my daughter & I tagged along to shop and go swimming at the hotel pool. We have been staying at the Flamingo about 4-5 times a year for the last 4 years. So my daughter is very familiar with it (especially the toy store). When we...

What next?

Really, is this necessary? Now, I am all for plastic surgery if that's what you want to do - it's not for me (well, check with me in 30 years!) but if you want to do it I think it's great. But do we need a book on how to explain it to your kids? I am all for reading too but this has to be junk (I haven't read it so I could be wrong). I just don't understand this - I bet the kids who have this book will be wanting a tummy tuck or breast augmentation for a High School graduation gift. Wonder why?? We live in a town where, I would guess, there are more breast augmentations per capita than anywhere else. Or pretty close to it. Every other person it seems has had this done, including many of my friends. Whatever floats your boat. :) I had my scrapbook/stamp club this morning. I love going - I get so inspired. I wish I could come home and keep going but I rarely do (including today). I have a ton of projects and gifts I want to make. Hey, maybe instead of bl...


I'll be happy when tomorrow gets here. It's been a crazy, busy week. Tomorrow will be pretty busy, too. Come to think of it so will Sat and Sun. hmmm.. So, I have been thinking about my blog and what I want it to be. Just me rambling about whatever comes to mind, a specific topic (kids, decorating, etc.) I don't really know yet but I have been thinking about it. I don't know that it matters but I read these fun blogs and think "I want mine to be fun" yet I don't know if I can just do ONE topic always. And heaven knows I don't need multiple blogs. I was in my daughter's class today. Crazy, I tell you. These kids are so ready for school to be out. Apparently, it's normal this time of year but they still have five weeks left of school. All I can say is I am glad I go in just once a week. I would be committed if I had to do it everyday. I have a lot of respect for these kindergarten teachers. I don't know if it's the same in all grades but ...


I was tagged by Eileen yesterday so here goes.. 7 Random Things About Me 1. I love the beach 2. I love to take naps-everyday if I could. 3. I love to clean (although you wouldn't know it) 4. On that same line, I would rather clean the toilet than empty the dishwasher. I told my husband that one day I want TWO dishwashers. One for the clean dishes & one for the dirty ones so I never have to empty it! 5. I like to stay home. My husband and daughter are the opposite so I don't get to do it too often - just have a day to go nowhere. 6. I love Oprah & TIVO it everyday. I don't watch it if the subject is not to my liking but I want to have the option. 7.I would like to scrapbook more (maybe I could if I stopped doing #2!) So there you have it. I will not tag anyone now since I know most of you have been recently tagged.

That's two hours of my life I'll never get back....

Can you hear it? That sound of getting 'sucked' into something? That's what happened to me today when my mom mentioned "The Real Housewives of NYC". As it just so happened, today is some sort of marathon so I tuned in 'just for a minute'. Two hours later I was still watching. Yikes! Needless to say it was interesting in a strange sort of way. Personally, I found most of these ladies more likeable than their Orange County counterparts. Bethanny actually was the runner-up on the "Martha Stewart Apprentice". So, I ask, who is the bigger loser - her for being on both shows or me for watching both?? Hehe - just kidding. :) She is actually much more likable on this show than on the MS Apprentice. Anyway, that was my productive afternoon! I did mop the floors and vacuum although I had to re-mop some of the floors on my hands and knees (which is why I needed that TV break :). I am not sure why the floors were messed up - they were spotty in a...

Spring is here...

I hope you can see the little bird's head in this picture. My daughter noticed it this morning. There has been a nest in the tree forever but we have never noticed any birds. I assume she is laying on her eggs as she didn't move while we were looking at her or taking the picture. Now, this tree is just about dead but I couldn't do anything to it because of the nest and now after seeing the bird it will be here a while. I guess this is a sure sign of spring. It has been in the 90's the past few days so it really seems more like summer but seeing these little spring signs reminds that it is only April. I hope that those of you who have had such a harsh winter are seeing these signs as well. I am slowly getting over my American Idol disappointment and am planning on boycotting the show from here on out. My husband will still watch when a playoff hockey game isn't on so I am sure he will keep me posted. We had such a busy weekend. And fun, too. I w...


With American Idol that is. (Nothing really important!) If anyone watched it last night you will know the shock when Michael got voted off. What happened?? I even voted (for Michael) for the first time this year - maybe that was the problem! :) It really just ends up being a popularity contest I guess. I thought Michael would have made in to the top 5 or 6 at least. I do hope he gets a big fat contract and shows them (whoever them is)! Just like Chris Daughtry did. I hear Daughtry is opening for BonJovi in LA - how cool is that?? So now that I am not watching Idol (baby that I am) I have freed up a few hours a week. I wonder how I will fill the time? I could read or clean. hmmm What a choice. If I read I will probably think I should be cleaning; if I clean I will probably wish I was reading. I am sure I will figure it out soon enough. :) Speaking of cleaning, I should be doing that now! My sister arrives in mere hours and my house is not in good shape. So, as soon as ...

A must see..

I don't know how many people are familiar with Randy Pausch. He is the college professor @ Carnegie Mellon who has pancreatic cancer and has been given months to live. He gave his last lecture at his university and became somewhat of a "celebrity". Diane Sawyer is doing a special tonight on ABC (10/9 central) called "Learn to Really Achieve Your Childhood Dreams". If you haven't heard the lecture or seen him speak you really should tune in. He is an amazing person and the things he says really makes you think about how you are living your life. He has a wife and three young (6,3, & 18 mos) kids he will leave behind. It sounds like he is trying to live the rest of his life without regrets; without wishing he had spent more time with his family. He also has a book (just out yesterday) called "The Last Lecture". I will spend most of the day cleaning, orgainzing, etc. There is always so much to do. My garage is starting to bust at the ...

Is it just me?...

I think this will be on my headstone one day - If I say it once I say it 10 times a day. This time it is regarding school lunches. When my daughter started kindergarten I thought the lunches were OKAY - not great but we've all heard the stories. But slowly I have noticed things I don't like (is it just me?). Last Thursday at lunch they served pizza with macaroni salad - is it just me or is that unbalanced? They put fruit cups or raisins at the register - they are not put on the tray with the other food - so you can imagine that most kids just pass that by. There are other things but I will not bore you as we all know what a balanced meal is. Rumor has it that the lunch itself doesn't have to be balanced - just the total offerings for the week. WHAT?? So I wonder what other schools around the country offer. We only pay $1.65 per meal but I would still like something balanced when I let my daughter buy (2 times a week). On that same topic a friend who has her kids in...