Is it just me?...

I think this will be on my headstone one day - If I say it once I say it 10 times a day. This time it is regarding school lunches. When my daughter started kindergarten I thought the lunches were OKAY - not great but we've all heard the stories. But slowly I have noticed things I don't like (is it just me?). Last Thursday at lunch they served pizza with macaroni salad - is it just me or is that unbalanced? They put fruit cups or raisins at the register - they are not put on the tray with the other food - so you can imagine that most kids just pass that by. There are other things but I will not bore you as we all know what a balanced meal is. Rumor has it that the lunch itself doesn't have to be balanced - just the total offerings for the week. WHAT?? So I wonder what other schools around the country offer. We only pay $1.65 per meal but I would still like something balanced when I let my daughter buy (2 times a week).

On that same topic a friend who has her kids in a local private school mentioned yesterday that they pay $4.00 per lunch because GET THIS - they have take out! EXCUSE ME??? They have a different local restaraunt bring in lunch each day (subs, pizza, mexican, chinese). I was really kind of disgusted (is it just me?) - all you hear about is that we eat too much, kids and adults are fat, etc. and here we have something like this. The kicker is that the parents organized this 'benefit' since the school doesn't have a cafeteria.

I can't believe it's been a week since my last post. Thanks, Eileen for checking on me! It has just been really busy - aren't we all these days. I often think of something 'great' to post about but the time goes by and I never do it. The upcoming week looks to be just as busy: my sister will be here on Friday and then on Sunday we are in a race - she is doing the half marathon and I am doing the 5K - she will run I will probably walk. I am really looking forward to it but I know that the weekdays will be spent doing things I might do on the weekend.

I am off to pick my daughter up from a birthday party....


.. said…
Hi again...How are ya doing? Thats great that your running in a marathon.What is it for? Hope you have a great week...Eileen
Laurie Anne said…
It isn't just you, it's me too.
Lunches are really pretty bad. When I taught, I felt so bad for the 6th grade boys who would buy lunch and it would be a soft pretzle, nacho cheese and a small cup of fruit cocktail. Where is the protien??
I saw a really interesting show about an "alternative" school for behaviorly challenged kids. The first thing they did was fix the menu in the cafeteria. Once the kids were eating better, the behaviors declined dramaticly, hmmmmmm. We are lucky, Ben goes to an old school so they actually have a lunchroom where the ladies cook and put a little of everything on the tray. I wish all schools were that way. :0)
Kellie said…
We haven't experience the lunch thing yet, but we do have daily snacks in school that the teacher provides and which I pay for. Every day I ask my daughter what her snack was, and sometimes I hear crazy things like "potato chips," "Oreos" and "Lucky Charms" and I'm not thrilled about it. I could pack her snack, but most kids pay in to the program, so I figured I would do it to eliminate the daily task.

But next year I'm definitely packing her lunch. For starters, they only get 20 minutes of lunch time -- so little time to go through the line AND eat. And second, she's a picky eater, so I can make sure I give her stuff she likes that is healthy to boot.

But pizza with macaroni salad -- that's crazy. And they should at least make the kids choose raisins or fruit or something when they pass by, don't you think?

The chef Jamie Oliver did a great documentary series about revamping school lunches in England. If you ever get the chance to see it, you should. It was so eye opening.

Have a good 5K!

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