Why is it so hard to find a coloring book??
I was looking at Kmart today for a new coloring book for daughter for our trip next week (not that she really NEEDS one) and I wonder when they stopped selling just 'regular' coloring books? Not books with 600 stickers that cost TWELVE DOLLARS! Something slim that will just slide in the backpack; nothing that will require a visit to the chiropractor when we get home. I didn't go anywhere else to look. I figured it was God's way of telling me we didn't need one. I will go through what we have here and should be able to find a couple that will work just perfectly. $12 saved! Speaking of my trip to Kmart, I was a little embarrassed returning my $2 box of foldover lunch bags. I had to return something else a little bigger (but not much) so I figured I would take those also because I don't need them. I bought them when I thought I was making cookies for my daughter's last day of school party and I was going to individually bag them with hopes that the kids would ...