A New Look...
I have been living without knobs on this little dresser for quite a while. I made the 2 green ones on there and hated them but didn't know what I wanted to do (no plan B). I made these from wood knobs: painted them green and put the 'D' on there & then 'painted' them with resin. It was miserable work and they didn't turn out at all like I had envisioned (those things happen, right?) The knobs I did for a dresser in LM's room turned out so cute I figured I was on a roll. HA! We ran to Michaels yesterday to get a birthday gift for LM's friend and while I was roaming the aisles I found some cute white knobs for 99 cents that I thought might work. I like the cleaner look they offered. All of the knobs have a 'B' on them for our last name. For a kid's room A thru F would have been fun, too. The price was right & I liked the white on white look. Upon closer inspection, the 'B' on the knobs looked like i...