Getting Started...
T he secret of getting ahead is getting started. ~ Mark Twain We all know we need to save , especially for retirement, but it's sometimes getting started that is the hardest part. For most of us, retirement seems soooo far away but the years go by in a flash. Anyone with a college age child (yet another thing we need to save for) will tell you how fast those first 18 years go by. A 401k is a great place to start if your employer (or your spouse's) offers it. Many companies also match a certain percentage- say you put in 3% of your income your employer will match that. There's usually a limit so check with your HR department and try to put in up to your company's match. If a 401k isn't an option check into an IRA . There are limits as to how much you can save in an IRA as well as income limits but it's a great way to save for retirement. If you need help deciding how you should save for retirement there are loads of books out there (che...