So Long, Farewell....

We have some good friends who are leaving tomorrow to move to Idaho. LM and their daughter were born 11 days apart, attended the same preschool and have become best friends. They attend different elementary schools but see each other most weekends. I am not sure it has hit either of the girls yet.

But it has hit the moms. We have become really good friends over the years and have very similar parenting styles. Plus we are both 'older' moms (she was 38 when her daughter was born, I was 37) which is pretty rare here. They all came over for dinner tonight and a swim (they picked a hot time of the year to be packing up and moving). We had fun as always but it was bittersweet knowing that it will be the last time we do this when they live 5 minutes away.

We plan on keeping in touch of course and I do believe we will be friends forever.

These are our first good friends who have moved in quite sometime. We went through a spell when LM was about 2 when about 4 or 5 friends moved within a relatively short time. I have to say that I like it better when everyone stays put.

As an aside, am I the only one who is finding it hard to believe it is June 10th already??? Before you know it we'll be sewing Halloween costumes (well I probably won't be sewing but I will be looking for a costume that LM will like that will not make her look like a hooker) and Christmas shopping....


paige said…
i like it better when everyone stays put too
sounds like ya'll have a great friendship. what a blessing
Laurie Anne said…
It's hard when friends move, but look at it this way, when AZ get too warm you can head north to the cool pacific northwest.

Debra said…
So true, Laurie!

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