Easter's on its way...

Easter is less than three weeks away.  I know, how is that even possible?  I'm starting to get the Easter decorations out and will try to get everything in it's place by the weekend.  Luckily, I don't have a ton of St. Patrick's day decor so there won't be much competition.

These little guys are out this year.  My mom took most of our Little People to her house so she brought the Easter ones over the other day.  I love the whimsy they provide when decorating for the holidays. It brings back an easier, slower time when LM was little.  Those days are behind us, but not the memories.

Some of my past Easter posts have been fun to look back on so I wanted to share them in case you missed them the first time around:

I am in the middle of working on this little bunny hanging.  I hope to finish it over the weekend so I can share the finished product.


The Mrs. said…
I cannot believe it is around the corner!!! Have to get all my decorations out!!

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