There's 104 days of summer vacation...

Well, not really for us but according Phineas & Ferb there are. Some days I wish for more summer vacation and some days I am glad that school starts on Monday.

Yesterday was a good day. Last night my daughter said "I had fun today even thought we didn't go too many places". We went to the post office to drop off mail (didn't get out of the car), vet and grocery store. She always wants to be on the go so I guessed this worked for her.

Our trip to the vet was for different medicine for the pooch. First, since she has been back from the kennel she has had diarehhea so we got some meds for that - I was getting tired of cleaning that mess up. Second, she was put on a new anti-inflammatory since her old one was not working. Monday night was scary; she couldn't get up by herself and once we got her up she could barely walk. These new meds seem to be helping. She had a good night and things look good so far this morning.

Today is my dad's birthday. We are having a small desert party for him tonight complete with a 'Cars' theme and goody bags. Guess who's idea all that was? It will be fun though - he's not much of a gift person - he buys what he wants so a little whimsy with the party will be fun. My dad's never been much of a b-day guy but this year will be especially hard since his mom just died & her b-day is on Monday. Two of my dad's brothers also had birthdays today and yesterday and they both passed away in the last 2 years. So, what used to be such a joyful family time will forever be a little less so. But we will try to make it special for a special person. I am making the cake this morning. I will try to make it kind of fun.

I have been snapping pictures all summer try to find that just right, cute as can be one of my daughter. They are all cute, but you know what I mean. I think I got it yesterday.

Isn't that cute? She is trying to hold her water balloons in the water (that's what the yellow thing is) So, mission accomplished for summer pictures.

I am off to watch the news and make a cake...


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