'His patience was unlimited'..

Today is the third anniversary of my uncle's death. He was only 55 and had a heart attack so it was not at all expected. He was my dad's youngest brother. 'Lamby', my grandma used to call him.

My cousin (his daughter) posted on her facebook page the fun things she remembered about her dad today. There were lots of fun things to remember. He was just 'one of those people', who was raised by 'one of those people'. My dad is also 'one of those people'. My grandma did a good job with her boys. Everyone likes them, they are caring, find the good in everyone, always there to lend a helping hand with no strings attached and never asking for anything in return. Luckily, my husband is also 'one of those people'. My husband and uncle were close and that always made me happy.

One of my relatives commented on my cousin's post by saying that 'his patience was unlimited'. I have never heard anyone say that about anyone but it describes my uncle to a 'T'.

Although his life ended too soon he left an impression on all of us. Not a day goes by that I don't see something, hear something, or do something that reminds me of him. Heaven is a better place with him. We are all better people having had him on our lives.

And indeed, his patience was unlimited...


Laurie Anne said…
Sounds like a great guy. So sad for him to leave you so young.
Tina Leigh said…
What a great memorial post....thank GOD for people like this in our life! Sorry for your loss.

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