
Yes, in kindergarten. Something comes home almost weekly, sometimes more, for a contribution, fundraising event, selling of something to help someone. And this is in a public school. I would expect it in a private school but I am really blown away at how much we have been asked to donate to. All I can think is '12 more years of this?'

Now, let me make it clear that I am not stingy. We donate to causes we find worthwhile but I feel like the school is nickel and diming us to death. We just had a 'Jump Rope for the Heart' at the end of February. This is one of the causes that is near and dear to us so we were excited to be involved. My daughter jumped her heart out and raised a nice amount for the American Heart Association. We asked our friends and family for donations and they were all so generous. Now we have another 'a-thon' coming up. If everyone in the class donates there will be an ice cream party for the kids. So, I feel the pressure. I don't want my daughter to be the reason the class doesn't get the party. I will donate, but under protest. And I really don't feel I can ask my friends and family so soon for more $$. By the way, this is also a very worthwhile cause, of course. Plus this week we got the Scholastic book orders sent home this week. I always buy books because I think books are really important and it earns books for the classroom - more pressure for me.

I know that my husband says to 'just say no' but it's hard when your kids are involved. We even just had a discussion about limiting the # of organizations we donate to. The $ amount won't change but instead of a few dollars here and there we want to make more of an impact with a few organizations.

We are also in a school district that requires you to bring in school supplies (including copy paper) to 'share'. Now I understand there are kids that have deadbeat parents (for lack of a better term) and they should not have to do without school supplies. But in our class as I am sure in all the others in the country - it's always the same parents that help and contribute. I am certainly not against helping people out - even if it sounds like it - but I just wonder what our taxes pay for. I mean I don't think copy paper or crayons are 'extras'. I could go on and on about this one but will save any poor souls who are reading this.

In the meantime, I am off to order Scholastic books and figure out how much to give to the latest 'a-thon'. I just don't remember all this when I was younger. I know it's been a few years but still....


Kellie said…
You must be reading my mind.
We just had Jump Rope for Heart too. I have the latest Scholastic book order on my kitchen table. We have a school clothing fundraiser, a local pasta company fundraiser and an auction coming up. The teacher asked for a bag of cotton balls from each student this week. As a room mom, I need to whip up some St. Patrick's Day and Easter treats later this month. Plus we have a field trip, teacher's gift and, I'm sure, some other function to contribute too. I never write checks anymore, but I've written more checks (to the PTO) than I've done in years. What's up with that? So, I sympathize. Are we neighbors??
Laurie Anne said…
Fundraising, don't get me started... what is worse than the nickle and diming is what the money is spent on. At our school the fifth grade is given $800 to plan a "grad party". 5th graders?? are you kidding me?? What was worse, was that the teacher appreciation budget was $1,500. I guess the PTA feels like the hundreds of dollars in starbucks cards the teachers rake in at christmas isn't enough to make them feel appreciated. We need to set aside a "decorating budget" for the lounge for that week. When I taught, the PTA washed our and vacuumed our cars- thoughtful and FREE!! We joke that we have a "my super sweet 16" PTA. At least there are a couple of parents who are sick of it. We don't feel right asking for money when it isn't going to benifit the students. We were thrown in a panic because our fundraising efforts were down this fall. People looked actually shocked when I suggested we cut back our spending. I guess we are the only family that ever had to budget our money, geesh!! Okay, off my soapbox and sorry for the vent.
As for Scholastic, we order ever 3 one or so, don't feel pressure to buy. It is not the intent of the program and if your teacher is guilting you, shame on her :0)
SeaWorthy said…
I know, I know... We had our oldest in a private Catholic school for pre K and K (this was 7 years ago, but)

always sending home the Manilla Envelope, making sure to get our "volunteer hours" in, or good heavens, we would have to "pay"

Anyway, being a good mom and dad, we diligently went ahead with all of our volunteering duties, selling ice cream, library duty, a ginormous st patricks day function we both chaired, ect.. went well above and beyond our volunteer duties, I feeling that I needed to prove something (now that I look back) After my husband made this huge puppet theatre that got auctioned off at a benefit for one of the christmas programs and raised $1200 for it, the envelope came the very next day!! This is when we decided we couldnt do it anymore, much to the chagrin of the administration. I dont miss it a bit, but alas, have 2 children that need preschooling next year and the year after.. HOLY VOLUNTEERING,BATMAN!
nice to meet ya, I have a way of over explaining stories..a hem, sorry!
coastal nest

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