Home Alone...

Little Miss is at her friend's house today so I am HOME ALONE! No little people, no big people, no car. Oh, I took the car to the shop today, too so I couldn't go anywhere if I wanted to (which I don't). Well, I could venture out in the Ranger but seeing as it has no top and therefore no A/C & it will be 113, I don't think I will. I like being here alone and it happens so sledom in the summer time.

I will be attemping to clean & declutter in hopes that none of my rooms look like this when my husband gets home:

And if I have time (quite optimistic) I will start reading the first book in the 'Twilight' series. LM wants to read it but I need to read it first to see if it's appropriate for her (which I don't think it is).
Have a great day...


Jessie Geroux said…
Hey fellow Arizonian! I'm out in Gold Canyon ;-) Thanks for stopping by my blog for Happy Homemaker Monday.

I read the Twilight series--every parent has to make their own decisions about it really-I def think 7 would be too young for it IMO, but you prob will like it. It was made for us moms and the teen set I think!
The Mrs. said…
Isn't it nice to get things done!!!
Laurie Anne said…
Good Luck with the decluttering.
LM is probably a bit too young for the Twilight series just yet, especially the second book. I find it very funny how those books have struck such a chord with my mommy friends. I think it is the brooding bad boy/ prince charming thing that we all remember wanting so badly as teenage girls. Oh to be 16 again :0)
Tina Leigh said…
How did you get that picture of me?? LOL

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