Light on...

It has been rainy and dreary here all week. The other afternoon I realized how dark it was on one side of our living room. We only had 2 lamps which really wasn't sufficient. I really hate rooms with bad lighting. And I had one. We have overhead lights but I don't like them on unless it's really necessary. Even then it's not the same as a lamp.
Above is the area before the lamp (you can see it there in the photo but I kept it off so you could see what it was like before)
Here it is with the light on (I took the lamp from our bedroom so I'll have to replace it pretty soon). What a difference light makes.
Like I said, we have had rain all week. Since Monday. This is very rare for us. Two, three days tops of drizzle is the norm a few times a year. We are now on day four and with the exception of Monday it has been rain, not drizzle. LM does not own a rain coat or rain boots but she really could have used them today. Really. Looks like we still have another day or two of this.
I know, this is nothing like living in the north where this rain would be snow but we're not used to it. And did I mention that I kind of need new windshield wipers? Of course...


Tina Leigh said…
It has pouredddddd here! Over 2 inches today! Our pond run-th over & the yard is fulllll! We dont need this much at one time but THE GOOD LORD is in control so....I will leave it at that!
Stay dry!
The Mrs. said…
So funny, my mom comes to visit and is always turning off lights and the house is so dark! I hate it!

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