A simple pleasure...

Wander through a hardware store.
Even if there's nothing you need today, there's always tomorrow.
~H Jackson Brown

I LOVE going to Lowe's (or Home Depot or Ace, but Lowe's is my favorite) just to look. I especially love looking at the paint dept, and the kitchen and bath areas. I could spend hours there. Enter the husband who goes in, gets what he needs and drags me out of there much too fast.

We had to go out on Saturday to get 8 ft fluorescent bulbs (fun, huh?). Yes, I was excited! There was also some speculation that we might be needing a new dryer soon. I heard a noise and smelled a smell last week. Our dryer is 10 yrs old so it's not out of the realm of possibilities that a new one would be needed soon. It's been 10 yrs since I last shopped for a dryer and boy have things changed. Everything is so fancy. So many choices and all those pretty, pretty colors. The sales man was very nice and helpful, educating us on the latest dryer info.

I picked up a $14 vent cleaning brush set and hoped that, for now, that's all I would need. So far so good...


Tina Leigh said…
Well good luck...if you have to buy a new dryer! Nothing is made as good any more & I dont care what those salesmen say! I have not had good luck with washers or dryers in the past 10 years... I have bought expensive & cheap & have decided I will stick to cheap because none of them will hold up like they say. Thankfully I can use my clothes line most of the time!

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