The weather in my neck of the woods: Supposed to be sunny and 71 today. One of my simple pleasures: A cup of green tea. I like to have one everyday, first thing. If I don't have it, I feel 'off'. I am sure it's in my head but it works. On my bedside table: 'First Things First' by Kurt & Brenda Warner On my TV: Fox & Friends (news) On the menu for tonight : Quesadillas (we have hockey tonight so it's quick and easy) On my to do list: Jazzercise, grocery shop, change sheets, work, take LM to religion classes, take LM to hockey practice New recipe I tried last week: nothing In the craft basket: Christmas gift tags Looking forward to: Taking LM to see Santa on Saturday. We didn't make it when I wanted to go a couple of weeks ago, so it's on the agenda again. Homemaking tip for the week: If you buy anything like 'kid's cuisine', weight watchers meals,lean cuisines: When you are done with the containers wash them out and keep them fo...