
We had a PTA meeting today at 3 pm. Our school superintendent was scheduled to be there so I thought it would be standing room only. Boy was I wrong. With the exception of the 3 board members I was the only parent there. Yikes. I am glad I went but really disappointed with the turnout. We were given a presentation about the override renewal which is up for vote this November. They want to get the word out that it's not a new tax, just renewing the old. The override pays for all day kindergarten, music, art, PE, nurses in every school -things like that. It was defeated 5 years ago and then passed 4 years ago. I was unaware that it needed to be renewed. I am hoping that come November people will pass the renewal. I am not totally sold on the need for all day kindergarten but the other things are nice to have and important, in my opinion.

I also found out the we have yet another fundraiser coming up next week. We are selling See's candy which will be ready for delivery right before Valentine's Day. ugh. I cannot ask anyone I know to buy anything else . We had poinsettia sales in early December, Girl Scout cookies now and the See's fundraiser next week. Does anyone else do this much fundraising? I need to get Little Miss involved in activities that don't involve fundraising (piano lessons, possibly?)

Little Miss turned 7 on Saturday. Her party was a hit with a great turnout. We just did games at the house - outside since the weather was nice. We did a three legged race and balloon toss. Our friends brought over their bouncy house which was a hit. We had pizza for lunch, cake and a little craft (a foam picture frame from Oriental Trading). It was a really fun time. A good number of parents stayed (thankfully, as they were all a huge help), even some dads which made my husband happy.

My daughter received an MP3 player from my friend "J" for her birthday. She is the first one in our house to have one. She loves it. Aren't we on the cutting edge???


Laurie Anne said…
The fundraising never ends. I feel the same way about how every activity has fundraising. I was going to put Sam in ballet until I went to a preformance and there was a fundraising booth. I ran the other way :0)
~*Marie*~ said…
I hated the fundraising, they all sucked. And since all the kids were doing the same things everyone was overloaded on them. I tried to do different fundraisers, but no one had any vision, and so they were always failures... good luck with the candy. I always do try, but how many magazines or candy or wrapping paper can one house buy???

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