This is not a fairy tale...

Well, here goes - my post on Sen Obama's redistribution of wealth idea per the request of Europafox. I orignally wrote this on Oct 20 and since then there has been more talk about this in the mainstream media. I still think there are alot of folks out there who just don't get it. Otherwise intelligent people who find nothing wrong with this idea of taking from the rich and giving to the poor (hence the Robin Hood reference). I find it scary that he is talking about 'change' & this is one of the things he has in mind. I didn't get all technical with stats and details because that's not really what I intended to do. It was a post on my thoughts about this aspect of Obama's campaign and this one issue that I strongly disagree with. Here you go...
Please tell me I am not the only one outraged... I am hearing more and more about Sen. Obama's plan for 'redistribution of wealth'. I have heard quite a bit today and it really makes me sick to my stomach.

First, let me say that I am not against helping people who REALLY need help, I am not against a saftey net (ie. 13 weeks of unemployment, WIC, etc.), I am not against giving to charities you believe in, I am not against taking care of our own. I am nice and I am kind and I give to charities regularly. What I am against is the government taking more of my money for programs that are not working (the 'let's just throw more money out there, that'll help' mentality). I am not in the top 5% or so who would have my taxes increased according to Sen. Obama but would I like to be one day - YES, I would. And I don't expect people who have worked hard to build a business and earn a nice income to support me. Redistribution of wealth is not something that comes to mind when thinking of capitalism, is it? Oh, this is so wrong and so going to send our great country down a road on which we don't want to be. Check out things on your own: 'Google' redistribution of wealth and socialism. I am not saying socialism is wrong but it's not what our founding fathers had in mind, that's for sure. People risk their lives everyday to come into our country (another issue for another time). They must really want to live here. They see the opportunity available to everyone in the US - yes, we all have the same opportunity & some of us take advantage of it and some don't. That is one of the many choices we have in our great country. If you choose not to work as hard or go to school to learn a skill, that's your choice to make but the government should not be handing out someone else's money to you if you make that choice.

Well, that's it. While I welcome comments, please be gentle. I in no way intended to insult or offend any one. This is my opinion on one issue, pure and simple.


Laurie Anne said…
There are no easy answers, but even McCain has said that sometimes a little socialism isn't a bad thing. I totally agree that throwing money at the problem isn't the answer, but what is more damaging is the sense of entitlement. My parents had a renter who was on section 8 housing and was paying $50 a month for rent to live in a nice house. She had received job training, but didn't like her job at Boeing, so she quit to work at Taco Del Mar. Much better to have a low paying job and keep the nice house, then stick it out (like the rest of us) and make it on her own. So frustrating.
Anonymous said…
I am really glad you posted on this - it helps me understand the American political psyche more - so thank you for posting - that's what blogs are for! Conservatism is SOOOO different over here - I think ideas like BO's are accepted as the norm on parties both side of the political spectrum, in fact wealth redistribution - even to a v. minor extent (taxing multi milionaires and billionares for example) it normal in Europe - far too popular with us normal peeps! I guess it's this idea that everyone benefits when society as a whole is wealthier / happier / healthier. But I guess the idea in ths states that you can get to that upper upper strata of wealth (The American Dream), where you get to keep more of your money is such a huge pull for people. I would love to know more about your benefits system etc - did you know that over here we get 9 months maternity pay and in Sweden it's a year? I guess we take things like that for granted! Thanks again for posting this! Hope my comments have come accross ok - I am not being critical, just interested! :)
I know, a little too late. I have been offline for a little while...But I completely agree. The redistribution of wealth thing is the thing that I am most flabbergasted about. I mean there are plenty of other things I do not like, that was just at the tippee top of the list. I cannot figure out how people think that this is okay. Successful people.

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