31 Days of Hospitality: Day 8 - Compassionate Hospitality

As I was doing research about hospitality and the bible, I came across an interesting phrase: compassionate hospitality.  A combination of the definitions of the two words, compassionate hospitality goes a bit beyond opening our homes to friends.  It is more focused on helping others than on entertaining others .  It is extending hospitality in a variety of ways. A few examples from the bible include:

  • The Jews came to comfort Martha and Mary after Lazarus' death (John 11:19)

  • Shobi, Machir and Barzillai brought couches, coverlets, basins and earthenware as well as food to   David and his people while they were in exile (2 Sam 17:27-29)

  •  Pharoah's daughter adopted baby Moses (Exod 2:6-10)

  • Job's friends journeyed to give him sympathy and comfort after his misfortune (Job 2:11-13)

  • How can you practice compassionate hospitality?
    • Taking meals to a friend or acquaintance who is ill, recovering from surgery, just had a baby, etc.
    • Providing clothing and household goods to someone who has had a home destroyed due to fire, natural disaster, etc.
    • Spending time with a friend after the death of a loved one.
    • Donating supplies to a the humane society.
    • Working in your church or community soup kitchen.
    • Watching a friend's children without expecting anything in return.
    Most of us have done some or all of these things at one time or another. And most of us have also been on the receiving end of compassionate hospitality. 

    You can find out more about compassionate hospitality at The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.

    How has compassionate hospitality touched your life?

    If you have missed the beginning of my 31 Days of Hospitality please see this post for info on the other days.


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