31 Days of Hospitality: Day 9 - A welcoming entry...

 As guests approach your entry way are they welcomed with an inviting sight or one that's a little 'blah' or messy?  I'm sure we've all been guilty of a messy entry way every now and then.  I know I have!  Fall is always a fun time to spruce up your entry way.  Mums are in abundance.  So are pumpkins.  Trick or Treaters will be coming around soon.  So will Thanksgiving guests.

After sweeping up around the entry way I brought out some of my Halloween goodies.  The chalkboard rocks fill an empty pot for now.  I hope to get some more mums- there were only 2 of the rust colored mums when I was shopping the other day so I think the rocks will work until I get more.

The most important thing to make your entryway welcoming is to make sure it's clean.  Sweep often.  Anything else just makes it special:
  • A wreath on your door.
  • Potted plants. 
  • A 'welcome' sign.
Keep the size of your entry way in mind.  Don't go crazy buying things that are too big (or too small) for your area.  Your entry way is the first impression your guests get as they walk up to your home.  Make it a great one...

If you've missed any of my other 31 Days of Hospitality you can find the whole list here.  Check out the other 31 Dayers here.


I Dig This Life said…
I wish we could put halloween items like your pretty display out but the dogs would just destroy them :( Lucky to have my garden at all.


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