Happy Homemaker Monday...

On my bedside table: Don't you just know that 'Firefly Lane' is still there!

On my TV: Tivo'd "Numbers"

On the menu for tonight: Quesadillas, salad

On my to do list: Change sheets, wash sheets & towels & most likely, a Home Depot Run

New Recipe I tried last week: None

In the Craft Basket: The last of the Mother's Day gifts

Looking forward to: Summer Vacation - only 3 weeks left of school.

Homemaking tip of the week: Use butter & margarine wrappers to grease pans. I remember my Grandmas doing that so it goes way back - nothing I figured out on my own. :) Works like a charm.

Favorite Blog Post of the week: One Fabulous Mom just had a beautiful baby girl and she writes about the 'Dark Days of Motherhood'. You know, the stuff no one, not even your best friend, tells you about regarding what life is like during the first few weeks after your baby is born. It will bring back memories of those sleepless, frustrating nights and you will want to call your friends who are pregnant and gently remind them what it's like so they don't feel all alone.

Favorite photo of the week:

Little Miss watching a movie with 'Matthew' - yep, that's the girl doll's name. Notice the pink sparkles in her ears? Stickers that Little Miss is using for earrings for her dolls. Very creative.

Lesson learned the last few days: Things don't always go as planned. A little humor will go a long way.

On my prayer list: Family

Devotional, Scripture reading, key verse:
Hebrews 4:16 - Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace to help in time of need.

Sandra at Diary of a SAHM hosts Happy Homemaker Monday. Pay her a visit.


Sarah said…
Interesting lesson you cited - we have the same one from this week. :) We definitely had something we didn't expect, but made the most of it and just had to laugh b/c we couldn't do anything else!!
Sandra said…
Such a great lesson learned, I always have to remind myself not to expect so much from things and be able to laugh about them later.
Bonnie said…
I laughed when I read that your daughter's girl doll is called 'matthew' ... my daughter has a girl doll that she calls 'bad boy' ! They're funny, aren't they ?! ha ha

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