Day 22 - Making your House your Home - A Creative Garage...


In an ideal world, the garage would be a place to park your car.  That's all.  For most of us a garage is much more. Storage Room.  Laundry Room.  Workshop.  Craft Room.  Sports Equipment Room.

We are fortunate enough to have our washer and dryer in our garage (can you hear the sarcasm?)  It's especially fun in the summer when it's over 110 degrees.  But I always think: 'it could be worse, at least I don't have to go to the laundromat.'

Our garage is also a storage area.  Our friends recently remodeled their kitchen and we were the recipient of some of the old cabinets which made a huge difference in how the garage looked and functioned.

What do you use your garage for?

My 31 Days posts can be found here.


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